Still looking for more information about hosting an event in the Reading Room? Read our FAQs below and contact the library staff at if you still have questions.
Yes! Please ensure the space is left in good condition for other library users. After your event, put away tables, chairs, and microphones neatly.
If food and beverages were served, please collect any rogue trash and call CHIMES to have the trash cans emptied of food debris to avoid attracting pests. Tables should be wiped down and any crumbs or other small messes vacuumed. Any dirty cloth table clothes should be placed in the laundry bin in the events cabinet.
CHIMES can be reached at ext. 2-2548
Yes. The program office is responsible for all event attendees, whether Commerce staff, other Federal staff, or members of the public. This includes requirements to alert Security in advance of the event that members of the public will be in attendance or if Foreign Nationals will be attending, as well as having support staff available to escort non-DOC guests around HCHB.
If members of the public are anticipated to attend, we strongly recommend working with Security to open the 15th & Penn door. It serves to keep groups contained in the library and reduces the need for escorts.
There are a variety of miscellaneous event supplies available for use, beyond tables and chairs:
An official website of the U.S. Department of Commerce