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Regional staff may have limited access to resources depending on their duty station and bureau.
Learn about digital access to news resources available through the library that will help you keep up with industry news and current events.
Vendor Trainings:
► The American Economic Review (EBSCO)
► Business Insider (ProQuest, Lexis, Westlaw)
► Foreign Affairs (EBSCO, HeinOnline, PressReader & ProQuest)
► Harvard Business Review (EBSCO)
► Journal of Commerce (Lexis)
► Metal Bulletin Daily (Lexis & EBSCO)
► People’s Daily (Lexis)
► Roll Call (Westlaw)
► South China Morning Post (Lexis & PressReader)
Trying to share an article with a colleague? Follow these tips to help them seamlessly access subscription resources.
► To share a link to one of the library's databases, start on the Databases A-Z list. Click on the Share () icon to the right of the database title and copy the friendly URL (NOT the link it redirects to).
► You can use the OpenAthens Link Generator to create customized links to articles or publications within databases. For example: you want to include a Wall Street Journal article in today's clippings or you want a bookmark that takes you directly to Foreign Affairs in EBSCO. Simply put your article or database link into the generator and it will create a custom link for OpenAthens users.
► For articles in Lexis (such as NYT), separate instructions on how to amend those URLs on on the Lexis guide. includes reports, commentary, and analysis updated daily, as well as the entire content of The Economist magazine by 6 p.m. on Thursday.
Foreign Policy covers global affairs, current events, and domestic and international policy. It produces content daily on its website and in four print issues annually. Includes digitized issues of the print magazine back to 1970.
Publishes breaking news and forward-thinking analysis related to high-stakes litigation, legislation, regulation, and corporate transactions across more than 60+ practice areas, industries, topics, and jurisdictions. The platform is known for its timely reporting and in-depth articles, which are often written by practicing attorneys and legal experts.
Read New York Times articles on Lexis+, updated every 15 minutes.
Read Washington Post articles on Westlaw, updated daily.
Includes Inside U.S. Trade and China Trade Extra, a library comprising over 100,000 trade-related documents including policy papers, News on the WTO, FTA Central, Trade News in Focus (background documents on the major news of the day), and The Trade Insider (editorial weekly email report).
Locate journals in the library catalog by title or browse by journal category. Lexis and Westlaw must be searched separately.
Read Washington Post articles on Westlaw, updated daily.
An official website of the U.S. Department of Commerce